
Whilst the manuals, forms, illustrative materials and training made available by PKF International Limited have been designed to provide member firms with tools to encourage compliance with relevant standards and good practice, these tools do not necessarily force compliance. In most cases, tools provided are likely to require adaptation for specific circumstances, and member firms are particularly directed to consider whether information requires update for recent developments. It is the responsibility of member firms and individual users to ensure they are familiar with the relevant standards and that work performed is sufficient and appropriate in the circumstances, and where required, is documented to demonstrate compliance with applicable standards. PKF International Limited accepts no responsibility for its use or non-compliance.

Some materials and tools available from this website were provided by various PKF member firms. Whilst it is expected that all the information has been provided in good faith, member firms providing such information accept no responsibility for its use.
Tools provided by PKF International Limited are maintained in English. Any translations of documents and tools are provided by various PKF member firms. Whilst it is expected that all translations have been provided in good faith, PKF International Limited has not checked the accuracy of these translations, and neither PKF International Limited nor the member firms providing translations, accept responsibility for its use.